Quality Determination of Gametes


  This website is dedicated to computer assisted assessment of human gametes. spermiogram quality control ejaculate DGA ESHRE International Society of Andrology ASRM American Society for Reproductive Medicine Asian Society of Andrology ASA European Academy of Andrology Nordic Association for Andrology

  • GameteExpert trains the ability for visual assessment of human gametes.

  • It has been developed especially for online external and internal quality assessment in andrological, urological and IVF laboratories.

  • Modules: sperm morphology, sperm motility, embryo morphology.

  • AndroExpert is a powerful and reliable measuring software for computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) according to WHO laboratory manual.

  • It can be adapted to special needs – from subjective visual assessment up to state-of-the-art image processing.

  • Already for subjective sperm assessment the user reaches high level of fault prevention by means of clear input templates, manual counters, plausibility checks and result validation.

  • The document auditability will be improved  by saving microscopic images.

  • In the highest configuration level: fast and precise measuring without exhausting routine by means of computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA).

WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen

Semen analysis is useful in both clinical and research settings for investigating male fertility status as well as monitoring spermatogenesis during and following male fertility regulation and other interventions. This manual provides updated, standardized, evidence-based procedures and recommendations for laboratory managers, scientists and technicians to follow in examining human semen in a clinical or research setting. Detailed protocols for routine, optional and research tests are elaborated.

Updates include clear instructions and explanations on the order in which analyses should be performed when a semen sample is delivered to the laboratory, including Quality Control and External Quality Assessment. There are step-by-step procedures and checklists for the international community of laboratory technicians and scientists working with human semen.

Perhaps the most significant change in the sixth edition is the reintroduction of the four-category distinction of sperm motility, which causes additional work for laboratories in changing reporting parameters but is clinically important. Another essential change is the widened focus from mainly a prognostic tool for medically assisted reproduction to additionally raising awareness of semen examination as a measure of male reproductive functions and general male health.

Here you can download a free copy of the manual.